BEYOND BOUNDARIES: Fiber Art Explorations
The 2025 Annual Show
July 1- August 9, 2025, at CC Young, The Point
August 19 - September 14, 2025, at Granville Arts Center
About the show
This year’s theme,
Beyond Boundaries: Fiber Art Explorations, encourages participants to reimagine boundaries in our world whether geographical, cultural, social, political or conceptual. It’s a call to artistically engage with these constructs, using fiber art techniques. Artwork can be realistic or abstract, global or introspective.
The aim of our 2025 exhibition is to inspire viewers to consider our collective humanity and, themselves, in new and extraordinary ways through engagement with fiber art.
Members of the Dallas Area Fiber Artists are asked to submit artwork that illustrates this theme through visually descriptive imagery, materials, and technique.
Complete information, including the prospectus, entry forms, and entry fee links, will be added soon. Please check back later for complete details. The below information is provided for guidance.
In accordance with our Standing Rules and By-Laws, an entrant must be a Dallas Area Fiber Artists member in good standing for 30 days prior to the entry deadline.
This means that your dues must be paid in full no later than 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 1, 2025. See prospectus for complete eligibility details when available.
We encourage non-members to join by contacting
2025 Beyond Boundaries
show will first be exhibited at
The Point at C.C. Young, a Dallas venue that has been extremely supportive of our organization.
The exhibit will be on display from
July 1, through Saturday, August 9, 2025. Delivery to the gallery will be June 30 or as arranged with the show director.
The exhibit will then move to the
Granville Arts Center in Garland, Texas, and be on display from
Tuesday, August 19, to Sunday, September 14, 2025.
Show Eligibility
The following guidelines are in place to ensure that each piece, and the show as a whole, is presented as professionally as possible and that all entries are treated equally.
All entries must be of
original design, with a focus on fiber and/or fiber techniques.
- Work made from a kit or from another artist’s pattern is
not eligible.
- Artwork started, worked on, or completed in a class or workshop is
not eligible.
Artwork must have been completed
within the previous 3 years
(Since 2022)
You may enter up to
three pieces.
Three-dimensional work and installation art are eligible. Collaborative artwork is permitted, if each collaborating artist is a Dallas Area Fiber Artists member in good standing. The entry will count as one (1) entry for each participating member. Only one (1) entry fee will be collected for the entry, not one fee for each member. If a collaborative entry wins an award, the award is made to the group, not to individual members.
Although the greatest of care will be taken with artwork, entrants should be aware that neither CC Young, Granville Art Center, nor DAFA can insure nor be responsible for it. Entrants should make any needed arrangements on their own.
Entry Submission
Submissions will open Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The entry deadline is
6 p.m. on Sunday, June 1, 2025. No late entries will be accepted.
Each entry
include the following:
- Completed entry form
- Photographs: Each entry MUST have two color photos: one
image and one detail image. See the prospectus for full details.
- Entry fee
of $10 for one piece, $20 for two pieces, $30 for three pieces, payable by PayPal/credit card via the links below.
- Two additional documents, a biography and artist’s statement, are recommended, but not required for entry. Bring these documents when you deliver your entries. These documents will be included in a notebook, which will be available throughout the show for viewers to read. For help with writing these documents, please view our Opportunities page,
or contacting
Each entry may be for sale or not for sale (mark NFS). If artwork is for sale, a price must be stated.
Entry information, such as title or description,
may not be changed
after submission.
How to apply
All submissions must be submitted online, and the form emailed prior to 6 p.m. on June 1, 2025. Make sure that your photos are prepared
to beginning your the entry process.
Ready to submit? Make sure that your photos are prepared
to beginning the entry process. Download, fill out, and sign the below Entry Form, then email it (along with the photos) to
How do I pay?
To pay your fees online, choose the button corresponding to
number of entries
you're submitting; you'll be taken to PayPal to complete the order.