February 2025: Mixed-Media Madness workshops
Our members had a blast at our annual Mixed-Media Madness workshop program, which featured our three superstars Carol Regan, Lucy Miron, and Carol Kovacs.
February 2025 Member Show & Tell
Tara Doss presents her slow stitch pieces created with dyed vintage textiles.
Karen Zupanic displays a quilt made by Carol Kovacs for Jo Appleton’s grandchildren.
Melanie Dossey presents her newest mixed media art quilt.
Marcia Moore shows her fanciful bird mobile.
Mary Alice Santos, our new member, introduces herself and shows an array of her lovely tatting samples.
Jackie Nixon-Fulton's art quilt Remembrance will be featured in the Spring issue of Fiber Art Now magazine. This fused fabric collage uses a wide array of techniques, including the application of thickened dyes, silkscreens, scraping, commercial stencils, and rubbings. The silkscreen is “painted” with soy wax to create a cluster of poppies, and acrylic paint was used for highlights and for the creation of new fabric with stencils.
Jackie has been working on art quilts relating to her personal experiences with the recent fires in New Mexico, where she owns a home.
Poppies, known to many as a symbol of remembrance of World War I, have special significance in the American West as well. The poppy is the official state flower of New Mexico, and one Western-native species is prized for being unusually fire-resistant, with seeds remaining dormant in the soil bank for decades only to spring forth in the destructive aftermath of wildfires.
Sat, March 22, and Sun, March 23
12 to 5pm each day
Goldmark Cultural Center
14001 Goldmark Drive
Dallas TX 75240
Free parking and admission
Meet the Goldmark artists, tour their art studios and workspaces, and enrich yourself by experiencing their original artwork!
Open studios, art activities, and art exhibitions will be spread across all floors of the Cultural Center’s two buildings, so there will be plenty to see and do for visitors of all ages.
Thursday, April 17, 5-8pm
Plano Haggard Library
2501 Coit Road
Plano, Texas 75075
DAFA member Beth Morgan will be presenting a circular weaving project, held at Plano's Haggard Library during the opening evening of the Library Art Experience. A special exhibit, held in celebration of the Plano Public Library's 60th anniversary, will run through Saturday.
DAFA loves to hear what you have been working on. If you have a project to share, please email commsgroup@dallasfiberartists.org and include photos and a brief description.
Meeting Location
The Point Center for Arts & Education
Campus of CC Young Retirement Community
4847 W. Lawther Dr.
Dallas, TX 75214
Meeting Information
2nd Saturday of each month
Mini-workshop at 10:00 a.m.
General meeting at 10:40 a.m.